第21回 日米核融合中性子源ワークショップ




21st US-Japan Workshop on Fusion Neutron Sources and Applications (formerly on Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Workshop) will be held on  17th-18th December 2019, Kyoto, Japan.

New! Abstract book is available: Workshop-program (PDF)


Tentative Schedule

Day 1 (Dec. 17)

     9:30 – optional lab tour in Uji Campus, KU

     12:00 – lunch

     Transportation from Uji-campus to Yoshida campus by train (Keihan line) or shuttle bus.

     14:30 – Registration at workshop venue open

     15:00 – Opening and Sessions

     17:00 – Group photo

     19:30 – Dinner at Gion Hanasaki



Day 2 (Dec. 18)

     0900 – Registration

     0930 – Sessions

     1200 – Lunch

     1330 – Sessions

     1600   Adjourn




Yoshida Izumidono, Kyoto Univ.


Meeting room


Adrress: Yoshidaizumidonocho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8301, Japan.

Yoshida Izumidono



Registration fee

  • 8000 JPY (standard)
  • 4000 JPY (student)


Registration due: 25th November 2019

Extended deadline: 28th November 2019

The registration fee includes

  • coffee and snacks during the meeting
  • lunch on 17th December at Uji-campus

Workshop dinner on 17th and lunch on 18th are not included in the registration fee.

The registration fee should be paid  with Japanese yen or US dollars upon arrival at the venue (Yoshida izumidono) *


Abstract submission

Please send your abstract to bakr[@]iae.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Abstract Template

Abstract due: 6th December 2019


Technical tour

Technical tour in Uji-campus Kyoto Univ. will be held on morning (10-12 am) of 17th December.


Student award

Student award will be given for the best student presentations at the workshop. 



Hotel New Hankyu Kyoto is recommended because the hotel is very close to Kyoto station with reasonable prices. Alternatively, you may find hotels via Agoda and Booking.com.



Dinner is scheduled from 19:30 at Gion Hanasaki on 17th Dec.

Telephone:  +81-75-533-3050 (international)

570-17, Gionmachiminamigawa, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, 605-0074

  • 5000 JPY (standard)
  • 4000 JPY (student)



